Welcome to Scouts at Reynella Scout Group.

Your child is commencing a trial with Reynella Cub Unit Tuesday

Over the next few weeks your child will see what Scouting is all about and experience the adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive program we have on offer.

We ask for a couple of minutes of your time to complete our prospective member application so we have important information about you and your child.

This form will capture the basic details the Scout Group needs to welcome you into Scouting for the trial period. Once this page is completed you will receive an email with details on the next steps.

This form should be completed by the legal guardian of the new member.

Details of Prospective Scout

Please complete the following details relating to the prospective Scout.

Parent/Guardian Contact Details

Please complete the details below relating to the legal guardian. This person will be listed as the primary contact for the youth member.
